
22nd International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress Successfully Completed

03.11.2021 08:31

2021-2022 The second day of the 22nd International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress hosted by our university was also very productive. The 22nd International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress, which was held in a hybrid manner with the participation of approximately 500 people, was successfully completed after a long preparation period of 7 months. After the enthusiastic opening and presentations in the main hall of 1071 Malazgirt Congress and Culture Center on Thursday, October 7, the interest in the congress did not decrease on Friday, October 8th. The second day sessions of the 22nd International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress were met with great interest. In the congress where the papers under the main heading of "Psychological Counseling and Guidance in Developmental and Preventive Mental Health Services" were accepted, "school psychological counseling", "counseling practice and supervision", "accreditation in counselor education", "career counseling", "family, marriage and couple counseling", "rehabilitation counseling", "addiction counseling", "counseling and counseling in challenging life events" Many interesting presentations were made, including sub-themes such as "guidance" and "clinical and mental health psychological counseling". After each session, question-answer sessions were held where the questions of the audience were answered. 3 panels, 11 workshops and 269 paper presentations The congress, which brought together academicians, expert psychological counselors, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in the field of PCR, turned into an academic feast. congress organizing committee academicians and all participants were pleased with the interest of the congress. President of the American Psychological Counseling Association, Prof. Dr. Kent Butler, Professor of Ball State University. Dr. Larry Gernstein, who works at Penn State University and received the Great Psychologist award of 2021 by the American Psychological Association, Prof. Dr. A total of 3 panels, 11 workshops and 269 paper presentations were made in the congress, in which Şenel Poyrazlı also participated by teleconference. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat and Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. The 22nd International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress, of which Esin Kaya is on the Honorary Board, drew attention with the participation rate and the undiminished interest of the audience. Congress, turned into a feast of knowledge for professionals and students from the field of Psychological Counseling and Guidance. The congress, to which many researchers from Turkey and abroad contributed with their presentations, was extremely productive especially for our students who have been studying online for a long time. The guests, who were connected to the congress by teleconference method from abroad, stated that they wish to participate in the congress in the next year. In the closing session of the congress, the President of the Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association, Expert Psychological Counselor Oğuz Özat, Prof. Dr. Erdal Hamarta and our Dean of Education Faculty Prof. Dr. It ended with Esin Kaya's speech that received great applause. Speaking at the closing session, the President of the Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Association Oğuz Özat, a specialist psychological counselor, told the 22. He stated that the International Psychological Counseling and Guidance Congress was more enthusiastic and productive than any congress he attended before. Oğuz Özat, for hosting the guests and for his support during the congress, our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Special thanks to Yaşar Karadağ. prof. Dr. Erdal Hamarta thanked all the participants and stated that an exemplary congress was held. Our Dean of Education Faculty Prof. Dr. Esin Kaya, on the other hand, thanked all the employees who contributed to the realization of the congress, the audience and the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education Assoc. Dr. Ayça Kartal and Res. See. Veysel thanked Emir Eke. The organization will end with a cultural tour. After the closing session, the congress team left the area for a group dinner. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Fethi Ahmet Polat and his wife Nilüfer Polat also attended. In the dinner organization attended by Muş Deputy Mayors Aydın Özarslan and Hamdullah Karasu, Rector Polat was presented with a plaque by Expert Psychological Counselor Oğuz Özat. Guests will bid farewell to Muş after participating in the cultural tour to be held on Saturday, October 9th (tomorrow).