03.12.2021 08:09
Dean’s Message
Muş Alparslan University, Faculty of Education is continuing its education and training activities with the purpose of educating innovative and leader teachers/instructors who would be equipped with the relevant skills to serve at various countries and cultures. The grad students/teacher candidates are expected to be capable of using Turkish in a correct, effective and eloquent manner, possessing critical and creative thinking ability, inquiring and questioning, with well-developed problem solving skills, having superior humanistic and professional values, capable of using information technologies under scope of digital transformation in an effective manner in all fields of life. Muş Alparslan University has adopted the principle of providing a contemporaneous and dynamic education at undergraduate level to educate students equipped with social responsibility, democratic values, dedicated to ethical values, questioning, inquiring, producing and solving problems, generating data in areas related to their professions and beneficial to their environment in every circumstance.
Muş Alparslan University (MAUN) Faculty of Education was first established as a sub-unit of Fırat University in parallel to decree number 98/1462 dated 06/08/1995 of the Council of Ministers based on supplementary Article 30 of Law Number 2809 and students were initially admitted to the courses of 2005-2006 academic years. Upon establishment of Muş Alpaslan University on May 29, 2007, Department of Science and Pre-School Teaching Departments were assigned to out University. The active departments of Faculty of Education are; Department of Mathematics and Science Education; Department of Science Education and Department of Mathematics Education, Department of Primary Education; Department of Classroom Education and Department of Pre-school Education, Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education; Department of Turkish Education and Department of Social Studies Education, Department of Basic Education; Department of Educational Sciences; Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Department of Foreign Language Education; Department of English Language Education.
Department of Arabic Language Education, Department of Special Education; Department of Gifted Education, Educational Sciences Department; The Philosophical, Social and Historical Foundations of Education; Department of Measurement and Evaluation in Education, Curriculum and Instruction in Education, Department of Education Administration, Department of Life-Long Learning and Adult Education, Department of Instructional Technologies, Fine Arts Education Department are expected to be activated once staff requirements are provided.
Our Faculty is providing education to 1.243 undergraduate students 95 academic, 7 administrative personnel and 4 permanent workers. We have 78 staff offices, 3 meeting rooms, 32 classrooms, 7 workshops (Puppet/Karagöz (Traditional Turkish Shadow-Play) Construction-Performance, 3B Printer and Robotics Workshop, Wooden Toys Workshop, STEM Workshop, Science and Technology Application Workshop, Material Development and Application Workshop, Drama and Music Workshop), 2 laboratories (Computer Laboratory, General Physics Laboratory) and other independent activity areas.
Muş Alparslan University; Faculty of Education feels honored for providing student-centered and qualified education in cooperation with our stakeholders and inviting students and academic personnel who are interested in teaching and science.
Prof. Dr. Esin KAYA, Dean